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Jackie + David | Freedom Park

This evening brought all the beautiful fall, moody vibes for Jackie and David’s engagement session. Freedom park was barer than usual, which was nice and peaceful, and gave us plenty of space to twirl, laugh, and love. These two were absolute dreams to work with, and I couldn’t be more honored they chose me to capture these memories for them. Now to wait a whole year before I get them in front of the camera again on their wedding day!

How did you meet?

Hinge - the dating app that’s meant to be deleted, and boy did it work this time!! He swiped right after reading that my perfect date night would be cooking dinner while listening to vinyls and drinking red wine. He then popped up on my Hinge. I always say his two animals are the reason I responded to his message, but it was also his love for travel. And also how could I resist that cute Australian face??

How did he propose?

I work as a tax accountant, so needless to say I’m pretty busy January through April 15th. Every year after the deadline, we like to do something together to celebrate. He planned an entire date for us that started at Daniel Stowe Botanical Gardens. We got there close to closing time and there was one area I really wanted to go to which was the orchid conservatory which is a giant greenhouse. He said we could end there because it was the only location with a bathroom, and so we could use the bathroom before heading home (me having no idea there was something set up in there). Well, we’re walking around and they say over the intercom the garden closes in 15 minutes, so I’m like “Come on let’s go to the orchid conservatory, I don’t want to miss it” and he’s saying how we have plenty of time, to which I respond “Our versions of plenty of time are different.” We finally make it to the conservatory and we’re about to walk towards the back when we round the corner and I see in big letters “Will you marry me?” Cue the ugly crying (we ended up having to take a second round of proposal pictures because the ugly crying was so intense).

For the Groom | What do you love most about your girl?

Confidence. She has always carried herself in such a strong and confident way. It had me hooked from the beginning. She is also so passionate about so many things. Being able to see and be apart of that passion is addicting. Both are traits that I admire so wholeheartedly and can’t get enough of.

For the Bride | What do you love most about your guy?

His attentiveness to the ones he cares about, how caring he is, and his vulnerability. I grew up seeing how my dad treated my mom and wished I could someday find someone who would do that for me. To this day, he opens the car door for me every single time without hesitation. I have a hard shell and I’m not always the best with showing my feelings, but having a man who can be so vulnerable to you and show you that softer side to him really helped open me up.

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